Payment Method

PayPal offers a secure and convenient way to handle online transactions. When you select PayPal as your payment option, you’ll be directed to the PayPal website to complete your payment. PayPal can be used to make purchases using Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), Debit Cards, or E-checks linked to your regular Bank Account. To use PayPal for payment, simply add items to your shopping cart, choose the PayPal checkout option, sign in to your PayPal account, or create one if needed, and follow the on-screen instructions to finalize the payment.

Please note that PayPal e-checks typically take 3-5 business days to be confirmed. We highly recommend using PayPal due to its traceable payment system, allowing you to monitor your transaction status easily, while also providing added security by not requiring you to share your credit card information online. You can transfer funds directly from your bank account, reducing the risk of unauthorized credit card use.